Our fur baby Zeus, a 101kg English Mastiff, had fear aggression based behavioral issues. He took a lot to warm up to new people.
We opted to have him euthanised at home with the fear free approach as advised.
Nic the vet is compassionate, kind, calm, considerate & made the whole process really easy. She gave us advice & options if we did choose to keep him around & comfortable. The "quality of life" assessment helped us make our decision without any doubts.
I'm so glad we contacted this company. It would have been near impossible to get him to the vet in his condition.
Zeus was sedated orally, so by the time Nic arrived he was peacefully sleeping & ready to be kindly put to rest & sent over the rainbow bridge.
Although we are heartbroken, we know we made the right decision & did it in the kindest most dignified way possible.
Nic also transported him to the crematorium. I highly recommend this company.
- Jennifer